The strong growth of Internet broadband and smart phones opens a new era where technology and modern life become ever closer. Today, traditional devices and applications have become slower pace than development of life. In this context, the technology named Cloud Computing was born, has changed almost the entire way of using and information as well as services delivery.

Through virtualization and automation, users can access, use and share data at anytime, anywhere or even control devices without touching them.

For enterprises, the application cloud computing in businesses to keep pace with the trend of times is a huge challenge but also bring them remarkable benefits:

  • Provide demand of information technology to meet business needs quickly, flexibly while maintaining security policies, governance of the organization.
  • Reduce costs for infrastructure investment, optimize resource utilization
  • Reduce personnel costs for technical support staff.
  • Flexible information technology infrastructure can meet users’ needs, easily and quickly change scale model and optimize resource utilization.

ITC JSC is a leading systems integrator with nearly 20 years experience willing to stand with you on your cloud journey. We provide complete cloud computing solutions at different levels of enterprise applications.

Infrastructure as a service:  In line with enterprises which maintain an available IT team for old system. We help building the infrastructure such as servers, network equipment, firewalls; data centers in form of virtualized storages are allocated and changed dynamically. The system management is also focused on a unified interface, help administrators have overall look, grasp the needs for improvement, expansion and repairing when necessary.

Platform as a Service: In line with software development companies or enterprises have specialized application run on unique environments. At this level, information technology infrastructure is provided in the form of different platforms (web, Java, SQL…) in accordance with individual company’s needs. On it, users can install and use applications that do not depend on which devices or operating systems you are taking.

Software as a Service:  Cloud computing infrastructure at this level has been built in high perfection, directed to provision of services to end users. Instead of using a computer or specific device to do a task, users can work through any smart phone or any computer with an Internet connection. Via a specific interface, software only interact receiving information and feedback through users’ equipment, while installations and data processing was done in the cloud, ensuring compatibility and demands to work anytime, anywhere in the era of technology. This solution is consistent with the service provider. They have a great system and resources; want to develop software rental solution as above.

ITC is a solid partner with leading technology companies in cloud computing. With professional staff, we believe to provide our customers the best solutions with reasonable cost.