Our offerings

With our unparalled talents, we confirm to make worldwhile technologies ours in a very short time. We promises to deliver products and services meeting high standards of our customers

Social network platform

Based on mobile and cloud computing technology, our customers can manage their business’ data and operations every time and every place. Highlight features: POS touch screen integrated fuctions of managing business activities; Establish settings for all POS system in every store


We establishes our own channel to display high-qualified products varified from T-shirt to accessories. What we convey to customers is not just marvelous materials, unique designs, original formats but also meaningful stories of friendship, lovers, collegues, families and neighbors

Game publisher

For us, game is never purely an entertaining way, but also an excitingly educating and communicating tool

Game localization

We bring well-prepared games to customers through a well-ranked list in order that it takes less time for players to find out suitable games making them enjoy the most

Game creator

We bring not only entertaining but also meaningful mobile games to our customers, which turns game from something called waste of time into a good use of free time, making games as useful as its supposed to be